Daisy Fried
Daisy Fried is the author of three books of poetry: She Didn’t Mean to Do It, which won the 1999 Agnes Lynch Starrett Prize, My Brother is Getting Arrested Again, a finalist for the 2006 National Book Critics Circle Award, and Women’s Poetry: Poems and Advice, named by Library Journal as one of the five best poetry books of 2013. She has been awarded Guggenheim, Hodder and Pew Fellowships, a Pushcart Prize, the Cohen Award from Ploughshares, and the Editors Prize for a feature article from Poetry, for ‘Sing, God-Awful Muse’, about reading Paradise Lost, breast-feeding and the importance of difficulty. She is poetry editor for the literary resistance journal Scoundrel Time, and occasionally reviews poetry for the New York Times, Poetry and elsewhere. A member of the faculty of the Warren Wilson College MFA Program for Writers, she lives in Philadelphia.