Hafez Mousavi
Hafez Mousavi was born in 1955 in the northern city of Roudbar in Iran. He studied Persian Language and Literature at Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran. He has published eight books of poetry, three books in the field of literary research and criticism and one book of fiction for children. In addition to numerous literary and critical essays and articles written for various journals in Iran, he co-founded the contemporary poetry magazine Ahang-e Digar with Shams Langeroodi and Shahab Mogharabin, founded Vazna, Iran’s first online poetry journal, and for four years was editor-in-chief of the important Iranian literary journal, Karnameh (1998–2004). He is a member of the Iranian Writers Association and teaches a poetry workshop at the independent Karnameh Institute of Arts & Culture in Tehran. English translations of his poem can be found in The Poetry of Hafez Moosavi: Middle East Poems and other Poems (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013).